NTSL provides the most up-to-date security technologies and products available on the market today. Our wide range of security services includes digital DVR CCTV systems, wireless alarm systems and biometric system readers.
We supply security services for:
- private homes and lands
- large-scale residential developments such as apartment blocks and housing estates
- shopping centres and malls
- hotels, holiday home complexes and holiday parks
- car parks
- warehouses and commercial premises
- office and business developments
As one of Ireland's premier contractors for high-end security, NTSL specialises in the most advanced (OPS) perimeter detection systems as the first line of defence and also supply and fit high-security razor fencing.
We also specialise in car park management systems and gate entry systems for offices, business parks, apartment blocks and hotels. Our highly-trained and target-driven engineers are second to none.
NTSL is based in Munster, but we operate throughout Ireland.
To discuss your security needs, contact John Collins - email johncollins@ntsl.ie or telephone +353 87 2582632 - for information and advice.